Boltzmann Brain – the end of our Universe and the disturbing vision of my abstract painting.

The Boltzmann Brain Paradox theory is likely correct. I genuinely believe in it. It is my tiny, secretly paranoiac delirium.

What is Boltzmann brain idea: it is based on the laws of thermodynamics. Boltzmann was trying to reason with the laws and argued that the universe is not as chaotic as the field of thermodynamics would predict. The Boltzmann brain is a reductio ad absurdum to his explanation.

He offered several explanations, one of them being that the universe, even after it had progressed to its most likely spread-out and featureless state of thermal equilibrium, would spontaneously fluctuate to a more ordered (or low-entropy) state such as the universe in which we find ourselves.

Ludwig Boltzmann was an Austrian genius physicist, and the idea of the Boltzmann brain was named after him.

The idea for my Boltzmann Brain painting arose in my brain and imagination after reading the latest ideas about Boltzmann Brains from Don Page, a physicist, in 2009. –

“Unless our universe is decaying at an astronomical rate, it would produce an infinite number of observers per commoving volume due to thermal or vacuum fluctuations (Boltzmann brains).
If that is true, it would mean that you and me, you reading this and I writing this, are more likely to be some momentary fluctuation in a field of matter and energy out in space than persons with a real past and possible future (if we are lucky or unlucky enough). My and your memories and the world we think we see around us are illusions.
Our observations suggest that this scenario is incorrect and that perhaps our universe is decaying at an astronomical rate. In other words, it means our universe will die one day.

I had to paint my Boltzmann Brain—the popping-up brain in my Universe. Creating this work was such a marvellous journey. I had the best time to work on it.

The Boltzmann Brain
The Boltzmann Brain, GBP 3,000, 120 x 100 cm, Acrylics on canvas

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